Helping You Build an Online Business before transitioning

Author: Les Waller

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  • Unlocking The Potential Of Your IRA

    Unlocking the Potential of Your IRA: A Guide to Investing in Cryptocurrencies and Precious Metals Investing for retirement can be challenging, especially when traditional IRAs restrict access to potentially lucrative markets like cryptocurrencies and precious metals. Many investors find themselves frustrated by the limitations of their current IRA, unable to diversify their portfolios with these…

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  • Building Professional Relationships As A Veteran Entrepreneur

    If you’re a veteran embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship, know that you’re not alone. Many veterans find the move from military to the business world a natural next step. It’s about channeling the skills and experiences you’ve gained into a new mission. Now, what are these skills, and how do they fit into your…

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  • About Me

    I remember it like it was yesterday, putting on the uniform for the first time, feeling a solid sense of duty – my 20 years in the Marines were about to begin. Those years were challenging, often requiring more than just resilience; they taught me the importance of camaraderie and the value of hard work.…

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  • Adaptation and Upskilling: Navigating the Future of Work Now

    Training and Resources for Upskilling in the Future of Work The landscape of work is undergoing significant transformation. As remote work, technological advancements, and shifting business needs take center stage, the skills required to excel in this new era are evolving. This section delves into the significance of training and resources in upskilling for the…

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  • Navigating the Future: Tech Trends and Hybrid Work Models

    Predicted Technological Advancements and Their Implications The ever-evolving realm of technology has consistently reshaped how we live, work, and communicate. With the rapid pace of innovation, what might the landscape of remote work look like in the next decade? In this section, we’ll delve into the anticipated technological advancements and explore their potential implications for…

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  • Digital Learning – Networking – and Personal Growth

    Networking Digitally: Virtual Conferences, Seminars, and Workshops In the age of remote work and digital transformation, the way professionals network has experienced a significant shift. Gone are the days when one had to physically attend conferences in distant locations to connect with industry peers. Now, with just a click, you can enter a virtual conference…

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  • Online Learning and Industry Trends for Remote Work

    Utilizing Online Platforms: Coursera, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning The rapid digitization of the world, further accelerated by the shift towards remote work, has brought with it an abundance of resources for personal and professional development. Among the leading lights in this educational revolution are platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning. Here’s a deep dive into…

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  • Work and Well-being: Finding the Perfect Balance Now

    The Dangers of Overworking and How to Consciously “Switch Off” The blurring lines between home and work, particularly in the era of remote working, have brought about a unique set of challenges. One of the most pertinent is the propensity to overwork. The accessibility of our work tools—be it the laptop on the dining table…

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  • Optimize Your Home Workspace: Routine and Boundaries for Productivity

    Setting and Adhering to a Daily Routine or Schedule The liberty of working from home often paints a picture of days spent in pajamas, flexible hours, and the luxury of weaving work between personal tasks. While there’s certainly more flexibility, the lack of a routine can swiftly lead to a blurred line between professional and…

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  • Now Celebrating Achievements & Resolving Conflicts Remotely

    Recognizing and Celebrating Achievements and Milestones Remotely The importance of recognition in the workplace cannot be overstated. Whether it’s a significant project milestone or an individual’s work anniversary, acknowledging achievements motivates employees, fostering a sense of belonging and appreciation. When teams operate in physical workspaces, spontaneous claps, surprise cakes, or even a pat on the…

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  • Fostering Camaraderie Now: Virtual Team Building & Work Culture

    Virtual Team-building Activities and Their Importance The evolution of remote work brings with it a multitude of opportunities and challenges. Among the challenges is the task of fostering a strong team bond when face-to-face interactions are rare or nonexistent. This is where the role of virtual team-building activities becomes paramount. Such activities not only bridge…

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  • Optimizing Connection: The Art of Balancing Messaging and Check-ins

    The Balance Between Instant Messaging and More Formal Communication In today’s rapidly evolving remote work landscape, communication tools have proliferated, with each offering unique advantages and potential pitfalls. Among them, instant messaging and more formal communication platforms often exist side by side, serving diverse purposes. Striking a balance between the informality of a quick message…

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  • Remote Communication: Clarity and Value

    The Value of Over-Communicating in a Remote Setting The advent of remote work has brought a sea change in how we communicate. The casual encounters by the water cooler, the spontaneous brainstorming sessions after meetings, and the simple act of popping into a colleague’s office for a quick chat have all been minimized or eliminated…

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  • Tech Support and Webinars

    Addressing Common Technical Glitches and Being Prepared with Backups In the realm of virtual communication, technical glitches are almost a rite of passage. However, they can undermine the professionalism and flow of a presentation or meeting. While some glitches are out of our control, being proactive and prepared can mitigate many of these disruptions. This…

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  • Sound Quality and Virtual Presentation

    Ensuring a Professional Background and Minimizing Background Noises The shift to remote work has transformed our homes into virtual boardrooms, client meeting spaces, and team collaboration hubs. In this virtual work environment, the presentation matters. Not only does it reflect on one’s professionalism, but it also ensures clear communication. This section delves into the nuances…

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  • Enhancing Focus and Wellness

    Enhancing Focus and Wellness: Digital Distractions, Breaks, and Nature Walks Minimizing Digital Distractions with Website Blockers and Notification Settings In the age of constant connectivity, the double-edged sword of technology is evident. On one hand, it facilitates seamless work from home; on the other, it brings a barrage of digital distractions that can derail focus…

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  • Mastering Empowering Productivity: Unleash Your Full Potential

    Pomodoro Technique and Goal Setting Strategies Embracing Techniques like the Pomodoro Method for Structured Work Intervals The realm of remote work offers freedom and flexibility, but with that comes potential pitfalls: distractions, procrastination, and the feeling of burnout from an undefined boundary between work and rest. One solution that has gained prominence over the years…

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  • Tools for Collaboration and Time Tracking

    Tools for Collaboration and File Sharing: Google Workspace, Dropbox In the evolving landscape of remote work and virtual teams, collaboration and file-sharing tools have become quintessential. It’s not only about storing documents or creating slides but ensuring seamless and real-time collaboration, data security, and efficient workflows. Google Workspace and Dropbox are two giants in this…

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  • List of Leading Communication and Organizational Tools

    A Rundown of Leading Communication Tools: Slack, Zoom, Microsoft Teams The digitalization of the modern workplace has been expedited by the increasing need for remote work. At the heart of this shift is communication. While face-to-face conversations in a physical office have their place, digital communication tools are the lifeblood of distributed teams. This chapter…

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  • The Role of Décor and Aesthetics in Promoting Creativity and Focus

      The environment in which we work plays a pivotal role in our productivity and creativity. It’s not just about having an ergonomic chair or a spacious desk; the colors, textures, and overall aesthetic of a space can significantly influence our mood, motivation, and innovation. As remote work becomes a staple, understanding the role of…

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  • Creating a Great Home Office: Practical Design Tips

      Selecting the Optimal Location in Your Home Based on Space and Noise Consideration As the world increasingly turns to remote work, finding the perfect spot in your home to become your personal office is crucial. This decision shouldn’t be made lightly – where you work can significantly affect how you work. The ideal spot…

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  • 1 – The Remote Work Movement

    The Evolution of Remote Work: From Niche Flexibility to Mainstream Necessity As the concept of work has evolved over centuries, so has the environment in which we perform it. The last few decades, in particular, have seen a rapid transformation in how and where work gets done. This change has been spurred by advancements in…

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  • Data Input Jobs from Home

    Want to earn some extra money from the ease of your home? Data input jobs offer a great option! Digital technology is increasing, so now is the perfect time to start utilizing the potential of data input work. This blog will show you how. Get ready to discover an exciting new way to make money…

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  • What is the Purpose of a Resume

    Why Your Resume is Your Golden Ticket Have you ever considered how vital your resume is in your professional journey? Think of it as your golden ticket. Your First Handshake with Employers Before you walk into an interview or even get a callback, your resume speaks for you. It’s your initial handshake with potential employers,…

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  • Communication Values: The Heartbeat of Human Interaction

    Importance of Communication: The Core of Connection Building Trust: You know, communication is the bridge that fosters trust. When you’re transparent and honest, people naturally lean in and trust you. Solving Problems: Have a challenge? Communication is your savior. When you articulate thoughts and collaborate, solutions become clearer. It’s teamwork at its finest. Strengthening Connections:…

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  • Earning with Your Car: Explore Delivery Job Opportunities

    Tired of leaving your car at home? Searching for a way to make money while hitting the road? Look no further! Delivery jobs with your own car could be the answer. Learn how to find and secure these jobs with this blog. Get ready to make money while driving! Why delivery jobs with your own…

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  • Unlocking Military Side Hustles: Extra Income Opportunities

    In today’s fast-paced world, many folks, including those bravely serving in the military, are turning to “side hustles” to make extra money. But what exactly are side hustles? Well, think of them as exciting and flexible ways to earn some cash beyond your regular job. For active-duty military personnel, side hustles can be a game-changer,…

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  • Mastering SMART Goals Now: Strategic Planning for Success

    Defining your SMART goals Hey there, goal-getters! Ready to dive into the world of SMART goals? Well, you’re in for a treat! Let’s start by breaking down what exactly these SMART goals are all about. What Are SMART Goals? Imagine your goals as road trips. Without a map, you might end up in Timbuktu when…

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  • Unlocking Opportunities Now: Grants for Military Spouse Businesses

    Empowering Military Spouse Entrepreneurs: Unveiling the World of Business Grants Hey there, fellow readers! Today, we’re diving into an exciting topic that celebrates the tenacity and ingenuity of military spouses – business grants! As we all know, military spouses are the unsung heroes, bravely supporting their partners while often juggling their own dreams. But fear…

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  • Ultimate Wealthy Affiliate Review: Military Spouse Entrepreneurs

      Are you a military spouse with a burning desire to embark on an entrepreneurial journey? Look no further! In this comprehensive review, we will delve into the world of Wealthy Affiliate and explore how it can empower military spouses to build successful online businesses. From decoding the essence of Wealthy Affiliate to mastering content…

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  • The Power of Social Media Advertising: Boosting Veteran-Owned Businesses

      Welcome to an article that explores the power of social media advertising and its incredible potential for boosting veteran-owned businesses. In this digital age, social media platforms have become more than just spaces for connecting with friends and sharing memes. They have evolved into powerful marketing tools that can drive growth, create brand awareness,…

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  • Homeless Veteran Housing

    How Can Homeless Veterans Find Housing Homelessness among veterans is a pressing issue that requires attention and support. Many veterans face numerous challenges in finding stable housing and rebuilding their lives. Understanding the obstacles they encounter and the resources available to them is essential in addressing this issue. Here is an overview of the issue…

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  • How do Service Dogs Help with PTSD

    How do Service Dogs Help with PTSD Service dogs play a crucial role in assisting individuals with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and offering them a better quality of life. PTSD is a mental health condition that can occur after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. These dogs are specially trained to provide support, assistance, and…

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  • Volunteering for Vets: Making a Difference in Veterans’ Lives

    Volunteering for Vets Introduction When it comes to supporting our brave men and women who have served in the military, volunteering can be a powerful way to make a positive impact. Volunteering for vets not only benefits the veterans themselves but also allows us to express our gratitude for their selfless service. In this article,…

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  • How to Honor Our Veterans: A Tribute to Their Sacrifice and Service

    How to Honor Our Veterans In a world consumed by the relentless march of time and the pursuit of progress, it is crucial that we never forget those who have stood on the front lines, safeguarding our freedoms and protecting our way of life. Veterans, the brave men and women who have selflessly served their…

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  • Check My Military Discharge Status

    Check My Military Discharge Status How to Check Your Military Discharge Status Checking your military discharge status is an important part of understanding your service record. Whether you are a veteran or active duty, you can easily access and review the details of your military discharge status. Let’s take a look at the steps you…

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  • American Flag on Soldiers Uniform

      American Flag on Soldiers Uniform   Every time a service member dons their uniform, they are making a statement about their commitment to the United States. One of the most recognizable symbols of this commitment is the American flag that adorns the left shoulder of their uniforms. But why do soldiers wear this flag?…

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  • What Brand M4 Does the Military Use

      The M4 carbine is an air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-fed rifle that is used by the United States military. It is a shorter and lighter version of the M16A2 assault rifle. The M4 is a versatile weapon that can be used in close quarters combat as well as in long range engagements. It has been widely…

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  • Tinnitus and Veterans: What You Should Know

      According to the American Tinnitus Association, approximately 50 million Americans suffer from tinnitus. Of these 50 million, about 20% are veterans. Tinnitus is a condition that causes a ringing, buzzing, or whooshing sound in one or both ears. The sound can be soft or loud, and it can last for a few minutes or…

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  • Tips How to Avoid Online Scams and Frauds

      The internet can be a great resource for finding deals, but it can also be a breeding ground for scammers and fraudsters. Here are some tips on how to avoid online scams or fraud and not become another victim. Beware of fake websites and emails. Many scammers will create fake websites or emails that…

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  • All Veterans Now Get a Free Lifetime Pass to America’s National Parks

      On Veterans Day 2022, the National Park Service unveiled a lifetime pass that provides free entrance to national parks for Veterans and their families. The Interagency Military Lifetime Pass waives entrance fees for the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Forest Service and U.S.…

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  • Non Profit Organizations Supporting Veterans – continued

    DAV History After the end of World War I, groups of disabled veterans were getting together in various places across America. Some of these were social clubs for veterans who were still happy about winning the war. Others raised money and created work to help their brothers in arms who had no way to support…

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  • Non Profit Organizations Supporting Veterans

    VFW History The VFW was created in 1914 by veterans of the Spanish-American War and the Philippine Insurrection. The goal of the organization was to help veterans secure medical care and other benefits. The VFW received a congressional charter in 1936. The organization has always been open to only officers and enlisted men (and later…

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  • I Have Lost My Job Now – Part 2

    Well, I have lost my job now, what do I do? Read this article and find out what has happened since I Have Lost My Job Now – Part 1. Let’s fast-forward 15 months, damn how time flies! We left off with me starting to talk to recruiters and getting hits from LinkedIn. Let me…

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  • What’s the Easiest Website Builder

    Watch and you will see what’s the easiest website builder ever! After creating your Free Starter Membership: Be sure you are in the dashboard by clicking the WA logo in the upper left: Click on Websites: Click on Build a Website: Click Free Domain: Type in your domain name: Type in a title for your…

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  • Top 5 Web Hosting in 2020 – $49 and Over

    I earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. Top 5 Web Hosting in 2020 $49 and over We just published the Top 5 Web Hosting in 2020 – $49 and Under. Now, we need to look and compare the more expensive plans. What makes them expensive? Are they worth it? But,…

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  • Top 5 Web Hosting in 2020 – $49 and Under

    I earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. Top 5 Web Hosting in 2020 We have been looking at individual web hosting services over the past few weeks. Now, it is time to look at the top 5 web hosting in 2020 out of those we’ve already reviewed! But, before we…

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  • Pressidium Review – WordPress Hosting

    I earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. Name: Pressidium WordPress Hosting Website: Pressidium® Enterprise WordPress Hosting Price/Plans: Plans start from the Personal Plan at $42/month up to $500/month with their Business Plus Plan. It looks like their first plan starts at where most of the others second plan is at…

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  • I Have Lost My Job Now – Part 1

    Well, I have lost my job now, what do I do? Read this article and find out what I did from the time I found out until now. We first got wind of a contract reduction 22 September 2020. Basically the email we got from management said due government funding problems our contract would be…

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  • Pressable Reviews – Managed WordPress Hosting

    I earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. Name: Pressable Website: Pressable Price/Plans: Pressable plans start at $25/month for the Personal Plan and go up to $155/month for the Premium Plan. By default, when visiting their website they are showing the monthly billed rate and not the discounted annual rate. Company…

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  • Review – WordPress Hosting

    Rocket Net Review I earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. Name: WordPress Hosting Website: WordPress Hosting Price/Plans: From $25/month Starter Plan to $166/month Agency Plan Company Name: WordPress Review The primary focus for is making WordPress easy to manage and decrease response time. Everything revolves around those two…

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  • Crafting Federal Resumè: Best Practices and Mistakes

    Full Credit for this article goes to Dan DiPiro, whom I’ve had the pleasure of working with in the past. The article has been posted here with his permission. Resume DOs and DON’Ts from the perspective of a hiring official The following resume and interviewing tips are based on my experiences as a selecting official…

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  • Namecheap Web Hosting Review

      Namecheap LLC Review I earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. Name: Namecheap LLC Review Website: Price/Plans: Stellar for shared hosting $1.58/month – Xeon E3 1230 v5 $48.88/month (for first year’s) Company Name: Namecheap Namecheap LLC Overview Namecheap LLC was founded in 2000 by Richard Kirkendall. It is one…

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  • KnownHost LLC Review

    KnownHost LLC Review I earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. Name: KnownHost LLC Review Website: Location: 1379 Dilworthtown Crossing, Suite 214 West Chester, PA 19382 Price/Plans: starts from $3.47 per month to $158 per month Company Name: KnownHost KnownHost Overview Started in 2006, KnownHost is one of the best…

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  • WebHostingPad Review

    WebHostingPad Review Name: WebHostingPad Website: Location: 415 West Golf Road, Suite 5 Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Price/Plans: Power plan all-inclusive-$1.99 per month. Power Plan Plus optimized for WordPress- $2.99 per month. Company Name: WebHostingPad Overview WebHostingPad is one of the cheapest web hosting companies in the market. It was founded in 2005 and…

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  • WP Engine Hosting Reviews

    WP Engine Web Hosting Reviews I earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. Name: WP Engine WordPress Website: WP Engine hosting, perfected. Price/Plans: Startup plan-$25/month, Growth plan-$115/month, Scale plan-$290/month Company Name: WP Engine WP Engine Overview The WP engine is one of the best Web hosting companies in the market that…

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  • Best Low Cost Hearing Aids – WiderSound C100 Review

    Are WiderSound C100’s the Best Low Cost Hearing Aids? I earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. Looking for the best low-cost hearing aids? Consider me as your friend. One who knows how it feels when you have trouble understanding conversations in a group. I am aware of how difficult it…

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  • Cloudways WordPress Review

    I earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. Name: Cloudways WordPress Website: Cloudways WordPress Hosting Location: 52 Springvale, Pope Pius XII Street Mosta MST2653, Malta Price/Plans: Digital Ocean’s $10/month plan to $226/month plan of Google Cloud Company Name: Cloudways Cloudways WordPress Overview Cloudways is one of the most reliable web hosting…

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  • Website Hosting Service Providers – How To Choose

    How To Choose Website Hosting Service Providers So, You Want to Build a Website? There’s nothing more daunting than trying to weed through the hundreds of website hosting service providers around the world! How do we choose? What is important to us and what isn’t? Is there anything I need to be on the lookout…

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  • Begin Affiliate Marketing: Tailored Guide for Veterans

      Les Waller here with the Best money-making online guide for beginners. This is a no bullshit guide that will show you how to make money online. How you doin? Thanks for coming here to read my FREE best making money online guide for beginners! Even if you aren’t a beginner there’s going to be…

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  • How To Make Money From Home Online

    Today, we will show you How To Make Money From Home Online! And it’s at no cost to you!!! How many of you out there would like to roll out of bed, shuffle your feet down the hallway and fire up your work at home computer? Of course, we’ll step to the other side of…

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  • How To Stay In Shape Working From Home: Fitness Over 50

    How to Stay in Shape Working from Home I need to tell you that I earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. If you were like me and stayed on active duty for 20 years, do you realize that when you retired you were only 12 years away from 50? Hells…

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  • How to Become an Affiliate Marketer Step by Step

      Before we start this “How to”, I want to give you some background on my experiences in affiliate marketing/sales. Now, if you don’t want to hear how I got to where I am today that’s fine you can skip on down to the bottom of the page and get the recap. By doing so,…

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  • How to Find Keywords for Website Ranking

      I love doing howto articles and videos! If I can help one person get something done more easily, more quickly, more efficiently then I’ve helped someone whom I’ve never even met and made their day a little better! Let’s get to it! I have started a new YouTube channel, called Les Waller Workouts. Now,…

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  • What is the Best Keyword Research Tool?

      Jaaxy Enterprise Review 2020 So, you’ve made a website and you have posted a whole bunch of articles and reviews and you are sitting at the edge of your seat waiting for that first sale to come in…and waiting…and waiting… You cannot get a sale if there is no traffic coming into your website.…

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  • Wealthy Affiliate Tour: Unveiling Online Success Secrets

      This will be a short introduction and Wealthy Affiliate Tour or Walkthrough, as some people like to call it. Once you have created a free account on Wealthy Affiliate… … then you have one of two paths to choose; the Affiliate BootCamp or the Online Entrepreneur Certification. Today, we will talk about the Online…

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  • Successful Salesman Tips | Creating Quality Review

    Creating Quality Review If you are reading this page, you are probably looking for the key components for writing a quality review that will bring in sales. It could be on a website blog, a YouTube channel vlog, a landing page to drive traffic to you or a myriad other places. In the 21st century…

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  • Exercise Mats with Interlocking Design: Benefits and Uses

      Right up front, I want to tell you that I earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. What do you do when you want to protect the floors where you live when you are using solid steel dumb bells? How can you more comfortably workout when you have cement or…

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  • What is the Best SEO Keyword Research Tool for

      Is it Google??? Let’s do a search on “keyword research tool” on Google! You can see here as a keyword research tool, Google gives us seven different extensions from “keyword research tool”; google, …s free, for youtube, for seo, amazon, chrome extension, and for fiverr. You can expand this by doing what’s called the…

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  • 5 Steps to Becoming a Successful Affiliate Marketer

      Affiliate Marketing is a way to earn money using a website or various social media platforms at little or no cost for you to start. Even with little to no investment in money you can earn money through affiliate marketing. That means that if you already have a website(s), blog, Facebook account, Twitter account,…

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  • What is Perseverance? Definition, Significance, Stories

      The question is “what is perseverance”? Yes, I know that it is spelled incorrectly and I’ll tell you why at the end of the article. So be sure to read all the way through to find the hidden treasure that is the reason for my misspelling. Marine Corps Boot Camp In July 1980, I…

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  • TubeBuddy vs vidIQ 2020

    TubeBuddy vs vidIQ 2020 We are an affiliate of both TubeBuddy and vidIQ This is going to be a TubeBuddy vs vidIQ 2020 Review and we will cover installation of both TubeBuddy and vidIQ and the following areas: Free Plans TubeBuddy The 1st thing you need to do is click on the link below and…

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  • How To Prepare For Losing Your Job

    How To Prepare For Losing Your Job Background Marine Corps Retirement While in the Marine Corps I was in a small field so during that time I never had to worry about not being able to re-enlist. As a matter fact, I was able to get a re-enlistment bonus almost every time because it was…

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  • Job Opportunities for Veterans: Paths to Success

    Working Veterans Job Opportunities Navigating the shift from military service to the civilian workforce is a journey full of potential for U.S. Armed Forces veterans. Central to this journey are the diverse pathways designed to equip veterans with the tools needed for successful careers. The GI Bill, a cornerstone of these opportunities, offers transformative educational…

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  • How Easy it is to Use Wealthy Affiliate Site Content Editor

    I am going to show you just How Easy it is to Use Wealthy Affiliate Site Content Editor for building out your web pages. We will start from where we log in and show you two different ways to get to the Site Content Editor. The first way I will show you is by clicking…

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  • Branding Your Website on Social Profiles: 2020

    Branding Your Website on Social Profiles: 2020 You want to have all of your social media directed at your main website. This will help to give it validity in search engines and also direct those who follow you on the different social media platforms to go to one central location to find your content. From…

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  • bluehost Review 2020

    bluehost Review I am an affiliate of bluehost Name: bluehostWebsite: bluehostPrice: From $3.95 to $119.95 per monthOwners: Matt Heaton and Danny AshworthOverall Rank: 90 out of 100 bluehost, Product Overview Bluehost is a large US-based web hosting company. They target users from beginners to the advanced with several levels of service available. It was founded…

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  • Webflow Review 2020

    Webflow Review I am an affiliate of Webflow. Name: Webflow Website: Price: FREE – $36/mo – and up! Owners: Vlad Magdalin (CEO), Bryant Chou (CTO), & Sergie Magdalin (CPO) Overall Rank: 95 out of 100 Webflow, Product Overview It makes me think of Photoshop for Websites. A graphical application that allows you a lot…

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  • Where To Sell Military Uniforms Now

    Let’s say for the sake of argument that you are getting out of the military and you do/are not going to join the reserves after you get discharged. Well then, I guess we should take a look at where to sell military uniform items we have, but no longer need. Here we are going to…

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  • Writing for Veterans

    Can you write 2000 words in 2 days? As I finished my previous post it dawned on me that I had just written a little over 2,000 words in two days, and this was after finishing two 8-hour workdays. Why was I able to do that? Can you do that? In the military it is…

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  • Wealthy Affiliate Review 2021 – Affiliate Marketing for Beginners – Revisited

    Name: Wealthy AffiliateWebsite: www.WealthyAffiliate.comPrice: Starter Membership, $0 (Join Here)Price: Premium Membership, $49/month OR $495/year (Join Here)Owners: Kyle & CarsonOverall Rank: 98 out of 100Who it’s for: Newbie – Expert I got carried away with other projects this past year so I did not hardly accomplish anything that I wanted to in the affiliate marketing arena. Now that I have settled…

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  • How to Build a Website Easy

    How to Build a Website Easy Are you looking for a “How to Build a Website for Dummies” resource? Well, I am here to help! It doesn’t matter whether you are an old fart like me at 57 or one of the younger generation, we all will take the same step by step process to build…

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  • Military Retirement Checklist – Jobs for Veterans

    Military Retirement Checklist – Jobs for Veterans In 2000, when I was about to retire from the Marine Corps there was not a lot of resources setup specifically for veterans. You had things like Monster Jobs and a few others and that was about it, but you were competing with everyone else for the same…

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  • Wealthy Affiliate Review 2019 – Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

    Wealthy Affiliate Review 2019 – Affiliate Marketing for Beginners We are an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate NOTE: A more in-depth and current Wealthy Affiliate Review has been written, please visit it for more accurate and up-to-date information. I will be giving you my honest opinion in this post on the Wealthy Affiliate Review 2019. I…

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  • About Les Waller – Marine Corps Veteran

    Hey, welcome to a “Marine Helping Veterans” website! I’m glad you have arrived and I look forward to helping you in any way I can! Where It All Started I’m from a small town in Wisconsin where folks either worked in a factory at a neighboring town, were farmers, or had some form of manual…

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