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How to Find Keywords for Website Ranking




How to Find Keywords for Website Ranking


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I love doing howto articles and videos! If I can help one person get something done more easily, more quickly, more efficiently then I’ve helped someone whom I’ve never even met and made their day a little better!

Let’s get to it!

I have started a new YouTube channel, called Les Waller Workouts. Now, I want to start writing articles for a website that I am going to build that will complement the YouTube channel. I want to use the power of free advertising on YouTube to push traffic to my website and vice versa.

First, I need to have a rough idea of what kind of workouts I’m going to be doing. As I’m overweight (spelled FAT), out of shape (spelled Weakling), cheap, and old (spelled Dinosaur), I think we will work along the lines of doing “workouts at home” using the “Alphabet Soup” method.

In less than 10 seconds we have 296 results back. Since it would take up too much space, I will show you the results for “a” and the results for the one I choose to do a search on.

As you can see up above, for the letter “a” we got 10 results. I like some of these results, but I want something a little more generic for my first post, so I’ll look at the rest of the alphabet and put the pic below showing the one I’ll search.

Wow! There are so many to choose from and in reality there are a heck of a lot more if I were to upgrade from my current plan. The kewl part is I still have lots to work with now.

This is the “f” results for “workout at home” and I like “full body workout at home”, so I’m going to click “Search on this” and see where this takes us.

I really had to minimize my browser display to fit all of this into one screen capture. So, by clicking on “Search on this” it takes us to the “Keywords” tab on Jaaxy and auto filled “full body workout at home”. If you want to try out Jaaxy for free just click the banner below or you can look at my Review of Jaaxy here on this website.


The first thing we want to do is look at the “QSR” of all of these entries to help select the best keyword. QSR is the Quoted Search Results, which is the number of competing websites ranked in Google for this exact keyword.

After I clicked “Get QSR” on all of them on the list, I then ordered the list from 0-100 with 0 on the top of the list.

Ideally, we want something with at least an average of 50 searches or more a month, traffic equaling 10 or more visits to our page if we are ranked on the first page of the three main search engines: Google, Bing, or Yahoo. And we want an SEO score of 90 – 100 with 100 being the best score.

We also need to exclude the keywords that don’t make sense, after all it is a machine doing the work here. I’ll give you an example, the first keyword right off the bat is like, huh? “full body workouts women home” What is that? Sure it gets an average of 56 searches a month but you have to remember that you need to write an article that flows in English not just a bunch of words thrown together. We will bypass that keyword.

Remember, we searched on “full body workout at home”, but when we look at the results now compared to “full body workouts at home” the latter is better because there is less competition and still enough traffic.

Full Body Workout at Home

Full Body Workouts at Home

I don’t think it will make a difference, but I’m going to click “full body workouts at home” just to be sure we don’t miss coming up with something better.

Well, a pleasant surprise here! I also like “full body workout routines at home”, but for now I’ll stick with “full body workouts at home”. What I will do, though, is place a check mark next to each one and click “Save to List”. This will allow me to come back later and look at my list of already saved keywords.

Normally, that’s what I would do with that full alphabet soup listing is go through and select 20 or 30 different keywords. Those then would be individually researched to find more low hanging fruit and I would then have a listing of well over 20 articles that I could write or I could put into a project at and have someone else write the articles for me.

After that, I just transfer it here to the site content editor and publish them on my website.

On the 3rd pic up above you will also notice a related/brainstorm column on the right. That is somewhere else you can look for possible keyword suggestions.

Something else we can easily do here is actually look at the competition by typing in our keyword in the “Search Analysis” tab and see what we get for first page ranked websites.

For here is what we get:

Something to note here is that it doesn’t take a lot of text to rank. I went to the 2nd ranked website and they have a bunch of videos on the website and that is why the text is limited and they are still getting great results.

Here are the results for

You can see that the 3rd ranked one is a YouTube video. Video can really make a difference in your website, so don’t be thinking about just putting photos in your blog post, you can embed or link to videos, as well. Of course, you don’t want to do that if you want to keep them on your website. However, if you are trying to direct traffic to your videos then that’s another way to do it.

Okay, I see the skepticism, you are wondering if your small beginning website can rank. Well, let me show you something from a website that today only has 21 posts, and this one will be the 22nd.

My “Wealthy Affiliate Review 2021” post is on the 1st page of Google ranked number 3!!! The post is over 3500 words long, the website has 67 links, and there are 8 back links to it at this time. So, with the right keywords your article can hit the first page ranking on the big three, Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

So, that about does it for explaining how to find keywords for website ranking! Let’s briefly recap.

  1. Pick a general topic
  2. Put the topic in the “alphabet soup” tool
  3. Select a longer or better keyword
  4. Compare the QSR’s, average number of searches and traffic and select a better keyword to use to rank on Google
  5. Do another keyword search on that keyword to see if there is something even better, also look at related keywords on the right side to see if anything stands out
  6. Either do your own research and start writing that article or head over to and pay someone to write the article for you; it’s time versus money and only you can be the judge of which is more important when building your online business in the form of a website.
  7. Do your final edits and publish the article
  8. Use social media accounts for free advertisements by sharing out the article using relevant hashtags

If you have any questions about finding keywords for SEO ranking, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below!

I wish you the best of luck in your business endeavors!


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