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Military Retirement Checklist – Jobs for Veterans





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Military Retirement Checklist – Jobs for Veterans

In 2000, when I was about to retire from the Marine Corps there was not a lot of resources setup specifically for veterans.

You had things like Monster Jobs and a few others and that was about it, but you were competing with everyone else for the same jobs with the same employers.

As it was I was trying to enter a completely new field with no experience at 38 years old. So, I had my Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and my Microsoft MCSE +Internet and A+ certifications and that was it other than some hands on stuff I had done at home over the years.

I found myself competing with 18-22 year olds with the same experience but I had a need for a higher salary since I had a family to support, as well. Then, to top it all off I was looking for a contracting job overseas because I did not want my daughter to have to go to a public school back in the states. I wanted her to have a better education opportunity in some form of international school.

Well, that brings us to today and the job market is worlds apart from where it was almost 20 years ago.

I am going to list here 12 resources for jobs as part of a new military retirement plan. Within each of the sites listed are job opportunities for veterans. Let’s get started, shall we?

GI Jobs

GI Jobs states “our mission is to simplify the military transition experience using education and employment tools and resources to guide you to a successful career”. They have several guides for you to download for free, including; Mother of All Transition Guides, Getting A Job Field Manual, and Hot Jobs for Veterans.

They frequently publish articles on transitioning between the military and civilian life, entertainment news, jobs for veterans, and education.

There is an alphabetical listing of companies hiring veterans, an alphabetical listing of schools, and a resource center that has …


FEDSHIREVETS is a US government run website by the Office of Personnel Management. There are four main tabs at the top of the page broken up into Job Seekers, Federal Employees, Hiring Officials, and Veteran’s Council.

The Job Seekers section provides information on the Federal Employment Process, Veterans, Family Members, Things You Should Know, and Veterans’ Preferences.

The Federal Employees section is for those who have been hired as a federal employee and has information on Veterans’ Preferences, Leave Administration, Retirement, National Guard and Reserve, and other Relevant Career Information.

The Hiring Officials section has information for those employers who are interested in hiring veterans and discusses Strategic Recruitment and Hiring, provides Resources, provides a Reintegration Framework, and explains Veteran Employment Initiatives.

The Veteran’s Council provides information on just that, to include an Agency Directory, Press Releases, a document on Employment of Women Veterans, and the Governmentwide Veterans Recruitment and Employment Strategic Plan.

VA Careers and Employment

The US Department of Veterans Affairs offers to support veterans with a service-connected disability, to getting more training for new job opportunities, to starting or growing your own business. There are three sections with additional links to resources:

  • Get Career and Employment Assistance
  • Manage Your Career
  • More Information and Resources.

LinkedIn for Vets

LinkedIn is offering to eligible service members, veterans and military spouses one year of free access to LinkedIn Premium and LinkedIn Learning. That’s at least a $360 cost for FREE! What a great value!

I can tell you that as I’ve established myself on LinkedIn over the years that I frequently get job offers that I don’t get from any other platform. This is definitely worth checking out by those who qualify, and even if you do not the free service that I use has plenty of benefits.

Hire Heroes USA

Hire Heroes USA provides personalized job search assistance for transitioning US military members, veterans, and military spouses. The services are free and for the most part are done online, which allows them to help the person regardless of where they are in the world.

Hire Veterans

Hire Veterans appears to be a job board and is for those who already have a prepared resume. You either search for a job position or can create a resume on their site for employers to search. They also have a listing of companies, job fairs, and job news. Veteran Jobs

One of the largest military and veteran membership organizations, Veteran Jobs several relevant sections to look through, including:

  • Industry Search for Veterans
  • Upcoming Job Fairs
  • The Veteran Employment Manual
  • Monster Resume Service
  • Security Clearance Jobs
  • Resume Advice
  • Featured Industries
  • Military Spouse Employment


VetJobs is a non-profit organization that provides free employment placement and career progression services to transitioning active duty, reserves, and veterans.

There is an employer login, veterans login where they can search jobs and post their resume, and a spouse login.


What appears to have initially been a portal to find trucking jobs, Fastport has expanded into all areas of business. You can search by job company and listing or search by using a map and looking at jobs within the area you live or would like to relocate. It is worth looking into, especially if you have experience in vehicles, driving, or logistics.


MilitaryHire not only has a place for you to post your resumes and search for jobs, but also has articles that give you information on how to better your odds of landing that job you want. At the bottom of the page is a list of current Job Fairs around different bases.


Hirepurpose incorporates three brands; Hirepurpose, Task & Purpose, and Military One Click. Their goal is to help transitioning service members, veterans, and military spouses find careers that they will enjoy.

From withing the site you can explore jobs, search companies, and a page that offers articles about service members that have successfully transitioned into a civilian job.


According to RallyPoint, their purpose is to bring together the military community and give them a common platform to discuss military topics socially and professionally. They provide tools that can be used from when they first enter the military throughout their career and back into civilian life.


Wow! In compiling this list I could not believe the wealth of information and services that are now available not only to the service members, but to veterans and spouses of the military, as well.

I salute all of these companies and organizations that are helping my brothers and sisters and family that have been part of the military community.

Financial Independence Now

I spent 20 years in the military and another 19 supporting the military as a contractor and am now starting my journey towards financial freedom by establishing a home based internet business.

If you are interested in building your own internet business and work from the comfort of your home after you leave the military then take a look at my YouTube channel or don’t hesitate to reach out to me here in the comments section.

Thanks for your service and dedication to our great country!

Les Waller (SSgt USMC retired)

About the author

4 responses to “Military Retirement Checklist – Jobs for Veterans”

  1. 少鋅 Avatar

    Being a professional soldier has always been a profession that I admire very much. I pay for my country. I can’t get along with my family and loved ones for a long time. I can’t do anything anytime and anywhere. It is equivalent to losing a little freedom. I pay tribute to your stable income. I continue to develop my second expertise after retiring from the military, and I am really worth learning from running an Internet business.

    1. Les Waller Avatar
      Les Waller

      After 20 years in the military I can totally understand! I’ve started a YouTube channel that is designed with running an internet business in mind, I just haven’t updated it recently. If you have the time some of what is on here might assist you in building your internet business.

  2. Puneet Avatar

    I commend you for this my friend! What you are doing is nothing short of amazing! First you serve your country, now you serve those who served along side you. I know that you will be massively successful at this. Thank you for this inspiring article! Keep ploughing ahead and keep inspiring.

    1. Les Waller Avatar
      Les Waller

      Thank you! It seemed a much needed service and I’m happy to be able to help my brother and sister service members!

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