Helping You Build an Online Business before transitioning

Wealthy Affiliate Tour: Unveiling Online Success Secrets




Wealthy Affiliate Tour


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This will be a short introduction and Wealthy Affiliate Tour or Walkthrough, as some people like to call it.

Once you have created a free account on Wealthy Affiliate…

… then you have one of two paths to choose; the Affiliate BootCamp or the Online Entrepreneur Certification.

Today, we will talk about the Online Entrepreneur Certification path. It has five levels:

  • Getting Started
  • Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website
  • Making Money!
  • Mastering Social Engagement
  • Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation

One of the first things that you will realize once you are inside is that it is a big community of very helpful people. You have a question, you can just ask and within minutes you’ll have several people responding to your question(s).

There are some important things that you should know before you start your journey on this well traveled path.

  • Anyone Can Be Successful Online – whatever your wealth bracket, your ethnicity, your native language, your technical knowledge; none of that matters. There are billions of people using the internet and every year a new generation of people enter the workforce. Wealthy Affiliate empowers more people to be successful than any other platform out there!
  • When you first start, you might feel like the first time you drove a car. Holding on to the steering wheel for dear life, watching the lines on both sides so you stay in your lane, trying again and again to get parallel parking right the first try. Well, no one was able to drive a car without going through some growing pains and becoming an affiliate marketer or building a niche site is no different. And, just like taking driver’s education there is a course to follow and mentors that you can direct your questions when you have them.
  • You don’t need to be a Nerd or the Wolf on Wall Street to be able to build a successful business here. Wealthy Affiliate is built with people like you and me in mind. And those who have become successful believe in paying it forward to the community because all ships rise with the tide.
  • A trip begins with the first step and there are many steps on this trip to building your own online business. You will learn valuable lessons from mistakes along the way and learn from others who have made mistakes so you don’t make the same mistakes. You will build upon the knowledge that you gain every day and before you know it you will have your own website with hundreds of articles and the traffic to match.

How to Create a Successful Business

At Wealthy Affiliate it is actually a simple process. They have broken down the process into four easy steps and give in-depth training on all of them.

  1. Choose an Interest – it could be anything that interests you, regardless of the amount of experience you have in that interest.
  2. Build a Website – Wealthy Affiliate does it best here and you will have your WordPress site up in less than 5 minutes! And, that with little to no prior training!!!
  3. Attract Visitors – initially, your goal is to bring in organic traffic without paying for any of it. You will focus on putting content on your website using Wealthy Affiliate’s own keyword research tool. You will learn how to use social media to get the work out about your site and the articles on it. Once your site is built up you will learn how to advertise to bring in more traffic, but there are a lot of successful people here who bring in the traffic just by offering quality content for people to read.
  4. Earn Revenue – now that you have traffic coming to your website you will learn how to take advantage of that traffic and earn money from it. Everything from Google Adsense to affiliate marketing, to sponsors wanting to have something on your website.

Two Things You Must Do

  1. When you have a question, ASK! Not only do you have your coach who referred you but you have access to the entire community. There’s nothing worse than stopping what you are doing because you are afraid to ask a question. Please, please, please, if you have a question ask.
  2. Learn then Do! Each lesson will have several tasks and before each tasks the lesson will show you how to do something. It is your responsibility TO DO IT! LOL, I got a little carried away. But, it is so true because by doing a task you are taking one small step in the direction of building a successful online business.
    1. After we bought our house in California, we decided to put in a sidewalk from our driveway around the side of the house to the back of the house. We went to home depot and bought a pickup truck load of bricks. To get from the start to the finish we had to put those bricks in one at a time. No different from what you will be doing here.
    2. My daughter and I started karate classes in 1998. We started with a plain white belt and two left feet. We had to learn one kata (form) at a time, how to use one weapon at a time, took one test at a time to reach the next belt. It didn’t happen overnight and we were devoted to it and going 3-4 nights a week. It took us 2 years to reach black belt, but if we had stopped anywhere on that road to black belt we would have never achieved what we set out to do.

Here is your next task.

Watch the Walk Through Video Below

Let me know in the comments what you thought of the video!

I appreciate you taking the time to come here and read this and I hope that you have much success in business and in life!

About the author

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